Thursday, September 01, 2005


Myofascial Release is a form of advanced bodywork which is unparalleled in its ability to release muscle (myo-) and fascia, the membrane which surrounds all muscle fibres and other structures in the body. MFR is both a science and an art, requiring detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology, refined palpation skills and sensitivity to respond to what is going on in the body at any one time, 'listening hands' to hear what the body is saying, creativity in knowing what the next step is, and intuition born of practice, practice, practice.

This is a blog inspired by the amazing journey Myofascial Release offers to those who practise it and those who are clients / patients and students.

Day by day, we 'practitioners' who have happily found this way of practising our art are blessed with insights, surprises and ah - hahs, wholy through the clients we work on and who entrust their mind-bodies to our temporary care.

Many of these insights about how the mind-body works we will share here. There will also be links to good training institutions, practitioners who are personally known to us, and suggestions for reading.

Most of all we hope these posts will encourage those of you who are contemplating embarking on the myofascial release adventure, or who are already well down the line. As practitioners we have been there, still are there, and have a long way to go yet. It's fun!

Myofascial Release Clinic UK


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